After many years of being on-call under my belt, I never thought I’d say I have a favorite alerting method. But that changed after watching one of Justin Garrison’s videos which had an excellent depiction of how Linux’s Out-of-Memory Killer works. I was no stranger to the OOM Killer visiting my Kubernetes clusters, so this gave me a dumb idea for a (perhaps) fun alerting mechanism: the OOM Bonker.

How It Works

This project mostly consisted of hardware I had laying around, the Prometheus monitoring stack for Kubernetes, and a tiny bit of code to tie it all together. At a high level, I have a Raspberry Pi running a webserver waiting for alerts from Prometheus–at which point it commences bonking a poor container.


We’ll configure a Prometheus alert to detect our out-of-memory conditions and then fire a webhook to a Raspberry Pi when containers are killed.

Prometheus Configuration

To get started, we’ll need a Prometheus instance configured to scrape kube-state-metrics, which is where we’ll get metrics for container status. I use the Prometheus Operator, but you can adapt the config to your environment as needed.

We’ll be using the kube_pod_container_status_last_terminated_reason{reason="OOMKilled"} query to find containers that were last terminated due to being OOM Killed. One caveat to this search is that it may not capture containers with child processes that were killed. I found a good post that gives a few alternatives using cadvisor metrics. I had difficulty getting those to work in my OpenShift cluster, so I fell back to using the query above from kube-state-metrics.

Since software evolves over time, I’ll link you to the patrickeasters/oom-bonker GitHub repo which contains the steps needed to configure Prometheus.

Alert Webhook

With the Prometheus configuration out of the way, we need something to receive alerts. Prometheus includes some default integrations like Slack and PagerDuty, but webhooks are still the king of compatibility. All it takes is a web app that can accept a POST request with some JSON.

The Prometheus docs give a full example of what a webhook POST body looks like, but I’ve included a snippet below of what a webhook looks like for the alert we just configured.

	"receiver": "oom-bonker",
	"status": "firing",
	"alerts": [{
		"status": "firing",
		"labels": {
			"alertname": "OOMKilled",
			"container": "eater",
			"endpoint": "https-main",
			"job": "kube-state-metrics",
			"namespace": "bonk",
			"pod": "memory-eater",
			"prometheus": "openshift-monitoring/k8s",
			"reason": "OOMKilled",
			"service": "kube-state-metrics",
			"uid": "49cc552f-3c00-4275-babb-e9598c7fec61"
		"annotations": {},
		"startsAt": "2022-04-26T13:59:56.33Z",
		"endsAt": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
		"fingerprint": "6e4ca3f5c5f99172"

I wrote a super simple Flask app that accepts the webhook requests and uses the gpiozero Python library to control a servo connected to the Raspberry Pi.

The GitHub repo contains the steps for copying the webhook app and configuring systemd to run it as a service.


As I mentioned before, most of the hardware was picked from things I had laying around. We all have that drawer with old electronics in our house, right?

Electronic Components

I used the following components that I had on hand:

  • Raspberry Pi 1B (yes, it’s old–but it’s hard to find a new Pi amidst our supply chain crisis)
  • Generic servo (purchased from SparkFun)

A wiring diagram is included below, though it may likely vary if you’re using a newer Raspberry Pi which has 40 pins instead of 26.

3D Printed Enclosure

I didn’t have to 3D print an enclosure for this, but I wanted an excuse to exercise my CAD skills. I won’t divulge how many Fusion 360 tutorials I had to lookup on YouTube, but I was able to fumble my way through it and only printed 2 prototypes.

I used self-tapping M2.3x6 screws for the Raspberry Pi and M3x6 screws for the servo.

Both the CAD model and ready-to-print STL file are are available on Printables

Other components

In the spirit of grabbing what I had around my house, the remaining components we need are:

Testing it out

Once it’s wired up, there’s no better way to test it out than by summoning the OOM Killer. While my first idea for quickly eating up memory was launching Chrome, I turned to Stack Overflow and found a cool one-liner to quickly consume an infinite amount of memory: tail /dev/zero. In this project’s Git repo, I provided a spec for a pod that crashes 10 seconds after startup. Assuming it’s all wired up correctly, poor Tux should be bonked momentarily.

Despite being a niche project, hopefully you were able to glean something from it. Let me know if you make something inspired from this—I’d love to see it!