Deploying memcached in a StatefulSet with OpenShift

Over the past few months at Red Hat, I’ve been working with my team on streamlining our CI/CD process and migrating some of our applications into OpenShift. As we’ve been slowly moving apps, it’s been a great opportunity to revisit some of the basics of our architecture and look at ways we can better use OpenShift to . What may have worked well in a VM-based deployment doesn’t necessarily translate well into a container-based deployment. For the sake of this post, I’ll be showing how we use a recently stable feature of OpenShift (and Kubernetes) to deploy memcached for one of our Ruby apps on the Red Hat Customer Portal. ...

May 3, 2018 · 7 min · Patrick Easters

Feed the dog and close the door with an open source home automation system

As voice assistants, smart bulbs, and other devices increasingly become household staples, more people than ever are bringing smart technology into their homes. But the bewildering assortment of products on the market can present challenges: Remembering which app to use and trying to link things together with automation can get complicated quickly. In this article, I’ll show you a few ways I used an open source home automation platform, Home Assistant, to bring all my devices together. ...

March 20, 2018 · 4 min · Patrick Easters

Integrating existing home security sensors with MQTT

When my wife and I bought a house a couple years back, I knew it would only be a matter of time before I started getting into home automation. My house, like many built in the late 90s, was pre-wired for an alarm system. While I had no desire to revive a 20-year-old alarm panel, it did mean all my exterior doors were pre-wired with inconspicuous sensors. I already run Home Assistant on a Raspberry Pi, so I was looking for a way to integrate these hard-wired door sensors with what I already have. I had read about these cheap WiFi-enabled ESP8266 boards, so I decided this would be a simple project to try it out with. ...

March 28, 2017 · 5 min · Patrick Easters

Using Traefik with TLS on Kubernetes

Over the past few months, I’ve been working with Kubernetes a lot as Ayetier has been making the shift towards container orchestration. As easy as it was to create and scale services, it was a bit frustrating to see how most reverse proxy solutions seemed kludgy at best. That’s why I was pretty intrigued when I first read about Traefik — a modern reverse proxy supporting dynamic configuration from several orchestration and service discovery backends, including Kubernetes. ...

August 16, 2016 · 4 min · Patrick Easters